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Leadership stats with you! By learning how to lead yourself, you set the foundation for effective leadership. Start your journey now, master self-leadership and become the catalyst for change and growth. Lead yourself first and lead the way – start now!


In today’s interconnected world, intercultural competence has emerged as a defining trait of effective leadership. Are you ready to be the leader who thrives in the diversity of global dynamics? Elevate your leadership legacy by mastering intercultural skill.

Lead with a global imprint – start now!


“Women in Leadersip” is a unique community aiming to bring together high-potential women and support their personal and professional development, while encouraging them to explore new paths of leadership and become an outstanding leader. Join us and become an outstanding leader – start now!



Unlock the full potential of your business with my comprehensive management consulting services for organisational development, change management, strategic growth and lasting success. Elevate your business today for a successful tomorrow – start now!



In my diverse roles as an international business and leadership consultant, a high-performance executive coach, and a dedicated managing director, I prioritize leadership awareness and transformation as the driving force behind growth.

My professional journey across investment banking, institutional sales and product management, business training, and the NGO sector has provided me with a multifaceted and comprehensive perspective. In addition, my experience as a business owner and entrepreneur further enriches my understanding of diverse industries and the complexity of leadership.

I acquired my knowledge and expertise in both Europe and the USA while collaborating with companies and clients from more than 30 countries.

I am driven by a commitment to fostering sustainable and forward-thinking leadership cultures. I tirelessly work for both my clients and team, consistently challenging mediocrity and advocating for change. My ultimate goal is to facilitate the development of insightful leadership strategies that surpass geographical boundaries and create meaningful impact.

"Unleash your leadership potential, Strengthen your leadership skills, and make a difference by becomming an outstanding leader! "



Leadership stats with you! It’s an integral part of your identity revealing fundamental aspects of who you are as an individual. By learning how to lead yourself, you set the foundation for effective leadership. Mastering self-leadership has a profound impact on your ability to drive successful transformation, change and innovation within your company. Lead yourself first – start now!

Effective self-leadership and inner attitude are prerequisites for sustainable personal and professional success. An authentic personality convinces and inspires. It acts in harmony with itself. Create clarity and strengthen your self-leadership competence!

We provide a space for you to cultivate and reflect on your own leadership personality. We offer practical insights and guidance for taking proactive and targeted actions, supporting you in harnessing your leadership strengths effectively and meaningfully. Experience the transformative power of self-leadership with my tailored program.

Women in LeadershiP

The “Women in Leadership” community aims to bring together women in leadership positions, support their personal and professional development through knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences, and simultaneously encourage them to explore new paths of leadership. We create a space for unleashing potential and reflecting on one’s own leadership personality. We provide impulses for active and targeted actions to achieve true sustainability in leadership. We enable a change of perspective and collectively build a global network. Our members are international women entrepreneurs, managers, and executives. Join us and become an outstanding leader!

Expand your leadership horizons with us! Connect with a community of ambitious women and empower yourself to lead with confidence. Join our Women in Leadership Book Club – start now!



Intercultural leadership

In today’s interconnected world, intercultural competence has emerged as a defining trait of effective leadership. As companies continue to expand their operations across continents and cultures, the ability to navigate multicultural environments and effectively lead teams of varying backgrounds has become a cornerstone of sustainable success. Intercultural competence is no longer an option but a requisite for leadership excellence. I advocate for intercultural understanding in the global business landscape and support global leaders and teams in developing intercultural skills to increase organizational efficiency and enhance collaboration. Lead with global impact – start now!

Nadina has been my go to coach for over a year now. She has been the catalyst of my personal transformation and guided me through the process of becoming my most authentic self. She helped me to get clear on my future career steps, brought clarity into what my strengths are and who I want to be and how I want to serve in this world. She has been supporting me on my path to becoming an entrepreneur and every session served as an accelerator in achieving my goals as much as she provided me with the emotional and spiritual support necessary to make a huge change in my life. I can recommend Nadina to everyone who wants a power coach to help them work their buns off to get where they want to be in life as much as to those who need more clarity in life to make the next right move.

Managing Director & Co-Founder / ReloPilot

Petra Boteková
Once you discover Nadina, you discover yourself! 🙂 Thank you for beautiful 4 days of intense exchange and deep introspection. Your truly amazing ability to recognize the specific strengths of every participant, without loosing the momentum of the group, showed us you really practice what you preach: authentic leadership! You´ve helped me to systematicaly clean up the "noise" and let my true self be heard- and so laid the foundation for a better and greater ability to lead myself to positive changes and bring the best out of the others! I really liked the size of the group: big enoug to have an active and intense exchange, but still small enough to feel familiar and to quickly build the trust amongst the participants. Thank you, and will definitely take your courses again! Aldina

People & Culture @Team23 Tax | New Pay & New Work in der Steuerberatung

Aldina Salihodzic
“Women in leadership ”is a great program that encourages introspection and awareness of our own values, talents and resources that we use in our personal and professional lives, and we may not even be aware of them. Women often (sub) consciously suppress them due to traditional attitude or prejudice about female leaders. Working in a small group makes it easier to establish trust among the members and with the leader Nadina Gradaščević, who, with her warmth, directness and outstanding communication skills, very quickly creates a friendly atmosphere in the group. At one point, I felt like I was having coffee with my friends and couldn't wait to share my experience with the group, and at another, I felt like I was in psychotherapy, some earlier experiences suddenly took on a new dimension, a new context. The three-day program, although intense, flew by. I was eagerly waiting every new meeting, and after two weeks the feedback showed that in such a short time new projects were launched, even in the sphere that I detected as a "bottle neck" in my career. I approach business opportunities and changes more systematically and I am more aware of my competencies. The program has encouraged me to keep working on myself so I look forward meeting other members of the “Women in Leadership” Alumni Group and sharing our experiences. Thank you Nadina!

Assistant Professor, University of Dubrovnik

Meri Šuman Tolić
Nadina has enriched my life in each and every aspect! I met Nadina two years ago at the Business event where she was moderating the panel with five successful women and she did it amazingly! She has this power of connecting easily with people on all levels and she knows how to ask the right questions and bring the best out of them! The event was a pure success! Later on, I joined her Women in Leadership training that she personally developed and it is her signature training! WoW! Nadina is an exceptional leader that knows how to convey the message to the audience! She took us on a journey of leadership and I enjoyed every minute! It was clear, meaningful, understandable and I wanted more! She planted this seed in me, to get to know myself better every day! That is my purpose! “Without self-leadership there is no leadership”, that is what I work on every day! Being authentic, true to my own values, knowing myself and carefully picking my environment to grow, are my key takeaways! I would recommend Nadina to everyone that wants to serve their community better and at ease! I am looking forward to working with Nadina in the future! When it comes to leadership and networking, she is the person that I go and ask for the advice!

IoT Business Development Director | Host @Making It In Austria

Adela Mehic-Dzanic (IoT), MBA
Women in Leadership is more than just an education. I believe all women, regardless of their employment status, should go through such a training. What women need, is a different outlook on their successes. Most women take all the good they do, whether professionally or in their private lives, for granted – nothing should be taken for granted, and we should cherish our efforts and achievements. Nadina is a great lecturer, who has vast knowledge and transmits it without being intrusive; all the while, you don’t experience her as a speaker or lecturer, but rather your best friend forever.

Senior Adviser at Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism of Montenegro

Ana Šebek
Fortunately, my curiosity overcame my doubts, that working with horses (towards which I always had great respect) can help me get to know myself (better) and show me how to move on in life. These few interesting hours, which we spent together in nature with spontaneously chosen horses, have touched the core of my authentic self and allowed me to entrust myself to the discrete but confident leadership of Nadina and Verena. On a completely different level, far away from catchy buzzwords like "You can do it", I understood that so much is actually possible, as long as you define a clear goal deep within and at the same time work towards it. I can be grateful to Nadina for these deep insights. With her warmth and professional competence, she helped me at a significant point in my life. An indispensable and very important step is the subsequent analysis of the experience, as well as "the translation" of this intuitive and authentic experience to "the daily speech of the mind". But that was just the beginning of the transformations that gradually developed in my professional and private life, just like our wonderful friendship! Thank you Nadina!

Legal expert Raiffeisen-Revisionsverband NÖ-Wien

Naida Jusufhodžić-Grbić
I am so grateful for having Nadina as my mentor at the PWN mentoring program. From the first moment we met, we clicked. She understood my values and helped me to align them with my goals. "Gracias Nadina por creer en mí y apoyarme en todo momento. Ha sido maravilloso tenerte como mentora".

Connecting the dots in the Startup ecosystem

Maria Elena Martinez

Four Steps to Your Success

Assessment and Goal Setting

Planning and Strategy Development

Coaching session

Implementation and Action